
Move. Breathe. Be. is proud to be an affiliate marketer with JadeYoga. Jade is committed to making the world’s best performing, most environmentally friendly yoga products and giving back to the Earth with every product sold. For every mat purchased, Jade plants a tree. In addition, JadeYoga makes its mats in the United States.

When you purchase through MBB’s affiliate links, we earn 20% commission off of every retail purchase over $50.00 USD. Thank you for supporting us even further.

Note: this is only for JadeYoga’s US site, unfortunately. Cookies are valid for 30 days.

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To purchase, please use this unique Move. Breathe. Be. affiliate link.

Move. Breathe. Be. Founder, Catherine Marquette, currently teaches and practices with the Elite S yoga mat and has used the Harmony yoga mat for over a decade.