Move. Breathe. Be.

Shop Books

Move. Breathe. Be. Bookshop

Move. Breathe. Be. is proud to have a storefront on, whose mission it is to financially support local, independent bookstores.

When you purchase through MBB’s shop, I earn 10% commission* off of any retail purchase, and matches an additional 10% to independent bookstores. Thank you for supporting MBB even further.

*For MBB to receive credit, please make sure you see Move. Breathe. Be.’s storefront in the top left corner - that’s how you know you’re on our page!

Book Recommendations

Need some inspiration?

Check out my book recommendations below. Click the title of each list to see the full lineup of books.

Need something else?

For more book lists or to order any book you’d like, head over to Move. Breathe. Be.’s Bookshop now. And click here if you’d like to purchase a digital gift card.

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Consider buying me a cup of coffee on the MBB Ko-fi (read: coffee) page (get it?). While I’d love to see you in a yoga class or coaching session soon, I know you might prefer to engage with the community by way of cozying up with a cup of joe and my blog posts each week. I’m deeply touched that my musings impact you and hope to provide even more content in the near future!